Saturday, March 12, 2011

2011 Earthquake/Tsunami/Fire/Nuclear Reactor Safety Scare in Japan

I've been absolutely sick about the disaster to the north of us here in Japan. Though we are on the opposite side of the island, this literally struck close to home. Here's a little graphic I doctored to show where we are in relation to the coast that was hit (the red line):

The purple circle represents our location.
To add to the stress of the events, Joe had just left for a three-week exercise in Korea hours before I heard about the earthquake and tsunami. Joe's updated me to let me know he's safe, but the exercise may not go as planned because the sizeable resources could be diverted to humanitarian assistance in Japan.

I think this would be a good way to help, and it wouldn't hurt that I might get Joe back home again a little sooner than expected. Hopefully they get the practice they need before they come home.

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