Friday, January 28, 2011

My birthday gift to myself

I've been going back and forth a lot about blogging because I'm afraid that a future employer could stumble across the blog and think twice about hiring me due to my outlandish behavior or personal beliefs. I've decided to stop being afraid of this and just take precautions like not using my full name and not using important search-able key words for businesses I've worked for in the past. I think this is a good policy and hope it works!

The reason I'm trying to get over this is because I spend at least 20 minutes each day reading other people's blogs. I love seeing my Google reader fill up with new eye candy and seeing what interesting people are getting into. I also used to journal a lot and I love looking back at my own writing to see how much I've changed and how different the world seems to me after a few months or years.

Today is my birthday and I'm going to give myself permission, as a 25-year-old, to blog and not worry about how people will misinterpret what I say. That said, I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my blog and would gladly clarify anything that someone is mad about, hurt by, or deems as being a little off-the-rocker. I love intelligent debate!

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